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Hi guys! My name is Vani and I am a sophomore at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. In addition, I am the Communications Liaison.
I joined WEAR primarily because I am extremely passionate about women’s rights and gender equality. Although we have achieved several important milestones throughout history, we still have a long way to go to ensure equal rights and voice for women.
I am so excited to get to know everyone and work together on future projects :))
Vani Gupta
Hi! I'm Becca, a sophomore at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. I am one of the Newsletter Correspondents.
As a passionate supporter of women's rights, I joined W.E.A.R. to do everything I can to make a difference.
Besides women's rights, I'm also super passionate about the environment, and other equality struggles such as LGBTQIA+ rights and racial justice.
I also enjoy rowing, biking, hiking, and baking. I'm looking forward to working with all of you!
Warm wishes,
Becca Jeffries
Hey everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself. I am a current sophomore at Thomas Jefferson Highschool for Science & Technology!
I am also the founder and director of WEAR Organization, and am so happy to be collaborating with all of you! I started this organization promoting feminism, especially with younger audiences, is so important, and we need to fight for the rights, equality, and representation of women!
Let's keep fighting, collaborating, and advocating! This is just the beginning:)
Prasidha P!
P.S - Please write a small introductory post for each of yourselves so we members can get to know each other!